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27 January 2019

Reading Practice, Game Of Thrones Prologue Part 1

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We should start back[A1] ,” Gared urged[A2] as the woods began to grow dark[A3] around them. “The wildlings are dead.” “Do the dead frighten you?” Ser Waymar Royce asked with just the hint of a smile[A4] . Gared did not rise to the bait[A5] . He was an old man, past fifty, and he had seen the lordlings[A6]  come and go. “Dead is dead,” he said. “We have no business with the dead.” “Are they dead?” Royce asked softly. “What proof have we?” “Will saw them,” Gared said. “If he says they are dead, that’s proof enough for me.” Will had known they would drag him into the quarrel[A7]  sooner or later. He wished it had been later rather than [A8] sooner. “My mother told me that dead men sing no songs,” he put in[A9] . “My wet nurse said the same thing, Will,” Royce replied. “Never believe anything you hear at a woman’s tit. There are things to be learned [A10] even from the dead.” His voice echoed, too loud in the twilit[A11]  forest. “We have a long ride before us,” Gared pointed out[A12] . “Eight days, maybe nine. And night is falling[A13] .” Ser Waymar Royce glanced[A14] at the sky with disinterest[A15] . “It does that every day about this time. Are you unmanned[A16] [A17]  by the dark, Gared?” Will could see the tightness[A18]  around Gared’s mouth, the barely suppressed[A19] anger in his eyes under the thick black hood[A20]  of his cloak. Gared had spent forty years in the Night’s Watch, man and boy[A21] , and he was not accustomed to [A22] being made light of[A23] . Yet [A24] it was more than that. Under the wounded pride[A25] , Will could sense something else in the older man. You could taste it; a nervous tension[A26]  [A27] that came perilous[A28]  close to fear[A29] . Will shared his unease[A30] . He had been four years on the Wall. The first time he had been sent beyond, all the old stories had come rushing back[A31] , and his bowels[A32]  had turned to water. He had laughed about it afterward. He was a veteran[A33]  of a hundred rangings[A34]  by now, and the endless dark wilderness [A35] that the southron[A36]  called the haunted[A37]  forest had no more terrors[A38]  for him. Until tonight. Something was different tonight. There was an edge [A39] to this darkness that made his hackles rise[A40] . Nine days they had been riding, north and northwest and then north again, farther and farther from the Wall, hard on the track of a band[A41]  of wildling raiders. Each day had been worse than the day that had come before it. Today was the worst of all. A cold wind was blowing out of the north, and it made the trees rustle[A42]  like living things. All day, Will had felt as though [A43] something were watching him, something cold and implacable[A44]  that loved him not. Gared had felt it too. Will wanted nothing so much as to ride hellbent[A45]  for the safety of the Wall, but that was not a feeling to share with your commander. Especially not a commander like this one. Ser Waymar Royce was the youngest son of an ancient house with too many heirs. He was a handsome youth of eighteen, grey-eyed and graceful[A46]  and slender[A47]  as a knife[A48] . Mounted[A49]  on his huge black destrier[A50] , the knight towered above [A51] Will and Gared on their smaller garrons[A52]  He wore black leather boots, black woolen[A53]  pants, black moleskin[A54]  gloves, and a fine supple [A55] coat of gleaming[A56]  black ringmail[A57]  over layers[A58]  of black wool and boiled leather. Ser Waymar had been a Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch for less than half a year, but no one could say he had not prepared for his vocation. At least insofar as [A59] his wardrobe was concerned[A60] . His cloak was his crowning glory[A61] ; sable[A62] , thick and black and soft as sin. “Bet he killed them all himself, he did,” Gared told the barracks[A63]  over wine, “twisted their little heads off[A64] , our mighty [A65] warrior[A66] .” They had all shared the laugh. It is hard to take orders from a man you laughed at in your cups[A67] , Will reflected as he sat shivering[A68]  atop[A69]  his garron. Gared must have felt the same. “Mormont said as we should track them, and we did,” Gared said. “They’re dead. They shan’t[A70]  trouble us no more. There’s hard riding before us. I don’t like this weather. If it snows, we could be a fortnight [A71] getting back[A72] , and snow’s the best we can hope for. Ever seen[A73] an ice storm, my lord?” The lordling seemed not to hear him. He studied the deepening[A74]  twilight[A75]  in that halfbored, half-distracted way he had. Will had ridden with the knight long enough to understand that it was best not to interrupt him when he looked like that. “Tell me again what you saw, Will. All the details. Leave nothing out[A76] .” Will had been a hunter before he joined the Night’s Watch. Well, a poacher[A77]  in truth[A78] . Mallister freeriders had caught him red-handed [A79] in the Mallisters’ own woods, skinning[A80]  one of the Mallisters’ own bucks, and it had been a choice of putting on the black or losing a hand. No one could move through the woods as silent as Will, and it had not taken the black brothers long to discover his talent. “The camp is two miles farther on, over that ridge[A81] , hard beside a stream,” Will said. “I got close as I dared. There’s eight of them, men and women both. No children I could see. They put up a lean[A82] to against the rock. The snow’s pretty well covered it now, but I could still make it out. No fire burning, but the firepit was still plain as day[A83] . No one moving. I watched a long time. No living man ever lay so still[A84] .” “Did you see any blood?” “Well, no,” Will admitted. “Did you see any weapons?” “Some swords, a few bows. One man had an axe. Heavy-looking, double-bladed[A85] , a cruel piece of iron. It was on the ground beside him, right by his hand.” “Did you make note [A86] of the position of the bodies?” Will shrugged[A87]

[A1]Start back: Geri dönmek

[A2]Urge: Israr etmek, teşvik etmek, ileri sürmek, dürtü

[A3]Grow dark: Kararmak

[A4]A hint of irony: Alaylı bir ima

Hint: Çıtlatmak, ima etmek, ipucu, üstü kapalı söylemek

Drop a hint, give a hint: İmada bulunmak, çıtlatmak

[A5]Raise to the bait: Gaza gelmek, kanmak, oltaya gelmek

Bait: Yem, tuzak, olta yemi

[A6]Lordling: Küçük lord

[A7]Quarrel: Kavga, Çekişmek, dalaşmak, tartışmak, ağız kavgası,

Have a quarrel: Kavga etmek,

Pick a quarrel: Kavga çıkarmak

Embitter a quarrel: Bir kavgayı körüklemek

[A8]Rather than: Tercihen, yerine, -maktansa, -den ziyade,

Sooner rather than later: Ne kadar erken/çabul olsa o kadar iyi

[A9]Put in: Diye eklemek, araya girmek,

[A10]Be learned: Öğrenilmek

[A11]Twilit: Hafif karanlık, loş

[A12]Point out: İşaret etmek, dikkat çekmek, -e dikkati çekmek

Point out an important matter: Önemli bir noktaya temas etmek

[A13]Night to fall, darkness to fall: Karanlık çökmek

[A14]Glance: Kısaca bakış, göz atmak, göz gezdirmek

[A15]Disinterest: Meraksız, aldırışsız

[A16]Unman: Cesaretini kırmak, sinirini bozmak, kadın gibi ağlatmak, hadım etmek

[A17]Unmanned: Adamsız kalmış, insansı

Unmanned combat aircraft: İnsansız savaş uçağı

[A18]Tightness: Sıkılık, darlık, gerginlik

Tightness in money: Para darlığı

[A19]Supress: Bastırmak, zaptetmek,

[A20]Hood: Kapüşon, kukuleta

[A21]Man and boy: Hayatı boyunca, çocukluğundan beri

[A22]Accustomed to: Alışkın, -e alışık olmak

Accustom to: Alışmak

[A23]Make light of: Hafife almak, küçümsemek, önemsememek

[A24]Yet: Gerçi, yine de, henüz, fakat

[A25]Wounded pride: İncinmiş gurur

[A26]Tension: Gerilim, tansiyon, stres, gerginlik

[A27]Nervous tension: Sinirsel gerginlik.

Nervous: Sinirli, gergin, kaygılı

[A28]Perilous: Çok tehlikeli, riskli

A perilous place: Tehlikelerle dolu bir yer

Perilous venture: Riskli girişim

Venture: Girişim, tehlikeye atmak, riske girmek, göze almak

[A29]Fear: Korkmak, endişe etmek, korku

(Fear) grip someone: Korku sarmak

Be possessed by fear: Korkuya kapılmak

[A30]Unease: Huzursuzluk, tedirginlik

[A31]Rush back: Aceleyle geri dönmek

[A32]Bowel: Bağırsak

Large bowel: Kalın bağırsak

Small bowel: İnce bağırsak

Bowel have turned to water: "His bowels had turned to water": He had become very frightened.

[A33]Veteran: Kıdemli, eski kurt, çok tecrübeli, eski asker

War veteran: Savaş gazisi

[A34]Ranging: Uzaklık tayini, tarama keşfi, bir aralıkta uzanan, yayılan

Be ranging to the: Uzanmak

Wide ranging: Yaygın, çok çeşitli, geniş kapsamlı

Ranging from: -den -e uzanan

[A35]Wilderness: Ekilmemiş boş arazi, ıssız yer

Wilderness areas: Kırlar

[A36]Southron: İngiliz

[A37]Haunted: Perili

Haunted house: Perili ev

[A38]Terror: Dehşet, terör, korku

[A39]Edge: Köşe, uç, kenar, eşik (kıyamet/sorun vs)

Be on the edge of: Eşiğine gelmek(yıkımın vb)

Be on the edge of extinction: Soyu tükenme tehlikesinde olmak, soyu tükenme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya olmak

[A40]Make someone’s hackles rise: Birisni çok öfkelendirmek, birisini sinirden kudurtmak, birisini uyuz etmek, küplere bindirmek

[A41]Band: Çete, grup, bando

Band together: Biraraya gelmek, toplanmak, birleşmek

[A42]Rustle: Hışırtı, hışırdamak

Make something rustle: Hışırdatmak

[A43]As though: Sözde, güya, sanki

[A44]Implacable: Amansız, bastırılamaz, yaman, yatıştırılamaz(öfke vb)

[A45]Hellbent: İstekli hevesli, azimli

[A46]Graceful: Zarif, hoş, ağırbaşlı

Graceful looking: Endamlı

Of a slender and graceful build: Boylu poslu

[A47]Slender: İnce, zayıf, uzun, narin

[A48]Knife: Bıçak, tığ

[A49]Mounted: Monte edilmiş, ata binmiş, atlı

Be mounted on the horse: Ata binmek

Mounted archer: Atlı okçu

Mounted troops: Süvari, atlı asker

Cavalry: Süvari

[A50]Destrier: Savaş atı

[A51]Tower: Kule

Tower above: Üstesinden gelmek, üstün olmak, geçmek

[A52]Garron: İrlanda ve İskoçya’da yetişen bir tür at.

[A53]Woolen: Yünlü, wool: Yün

[A54]Moleskin: Köstebek kürkü, köstebek derisi

Mole: Köstebek, leke

[A55]Supple: Yumuşak ve esnek

[A56]Gleam: Işıldamak, parıldamak, ışıltı, parıltı

[A57]Ringmail: Demir halkalardan yapılan zincirli zırh

[A58]Layer: Tabaka, katman

[A59]Insofar as: -duğu kadar

Insofar as possible: Mümkün olduğu ölçüde

Insofar as circumstances permit: Şartlar elverdiği ölçüde

Insofar: Şu kadar ki, belli bir dereceye kadar, o dereceye

[A60]Concerned: Endişeli, ilgili, alakadar, kaygılı

Be concerned: Umurunda olmak,

Be concerned about: -den endişe duymak, -den kaygı duymak, endişelenmek

[A61]Crowning glory: Bir şeyin en güzel şeyi

[A62]Sable: Samur kürkü, Siyah, kapkara

[A63]Barrack: Kışla

[A64]Twist off: Çevirip açmak

[A65]Mighty: Muazzam, iddialı, büyük, kudretli

[A66]Warrior: Savaşcı, asker

[A67]In one’s cups: Kafası dumanlı, sarhoş, sarhoş iken

[A68]Shivering: Titreme

You’re shivering: Titriyorsun

[A69]Atop: Üstünde, tepesinde

[A70]Shall not (shan’t): -mayacak

[A71]Fortnight: İki hafta

Last a fortnight: İki hafta sürmek

In a fortnight: İki hafta içinde

[A72]Getting back: Are you just getting back from a party or something?

Thank you for getting back to me: Dönüş yaptığınız için teşekkür ederim

Things are getting back to normal: İşler normale dönüyor

We are never ever getting back together: Bir daha asla beraber olmayacağız

[A73]Have you ever seen anything like this before

[A74]Deepening: Derinleşme, derinleştirme

Deepen: Koyulaşmak, koyulaştırmak

[A75]Twilight: Alacakaranlık

[A76]Leave out: Hariç bırakmak, unutmak, dışında tutmak, -i atlamak

[A77]Poacher: Kaçak avcı

[A78]In truth: Doğrusu, doğrusunu istersen,

There is some truth in that: Bunda doğruluk payı var

[A79]Red handed: Suçüstü

Catch somebody red handed: Birisini suçüstü yakalamak

Caught red handed: Suçüstü yakalanmış

[A80]Skinning: Deri yüzme

Skin: Deri, cilt, ten, soymak, yüzmek

[A81]Ridge: Sırt, bayır, tepe

[A82]Lean back a bit: Biraz geriye yaslan!

[A83]Plain as day: gün gibi açık, gün gibi aşikar

[A84]Still: Durgun, hareketsiz, hala,

[A85]Double bladed: Çift bıçaklı

[A86]Make a note of: Not etmek, not düşmek,

Make a mental note: Aklının bir kenarına yazmak, hatırlamaya çalışmak, anımsamaya çalışmak

[A87]Shrug: Omuz silkme

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